PreK Week 15: Gingerbread
Dear PreK Families,
It sure has been a festive and productive week in PreK! Our unit this week was Gingerbread—and it was filled to the brim with literacy, math, and science—all related to the sweet-smelling baked good! Speaking of that, our room was filled with the warm gingerbread cake that we made and baked for snack on Wednesday. Most of the children loved it (some with/without the lemon icing)!
All through the week, we read different versions of the Gingerbread Boy (Gingerbread Girl, Gingerbread Cowboy, Gingerbread Bear, Gingerbread Baby, and the Runaway Tortilla). As we read them, we compared different aspects of the stories (like who ended up eating (or alternative) the gingerbread being, or different characters in the stories, etc.), and documented them on our comparison chart. We found many similarities and differences!
In Art this week, we created snowflakes for our Holiday Show decorations, made fairy moss gardens, created gingerbread ornaments, and colored and water colored with candles! We also painted and decorated the picture frames—and we hope you like them XXOO.
Preparing for the Holiday Show was truly enjoyable! The children learned the songs quickly and seemed to enjoy our practices. We thought they all were utterly adorable up on the stage! Bravo! Brava!
Other highlights this week:
- Lucas’ Me-Week! Thanks SO much to Lucas’ Mom, Dad, and little brother James for coming in to read to us. We loved the cool Rudolph story!
- Be Ahead of the Game
- Music with Miss Elaine
- On Friday, Miss Penny (PS2 teacher extraordinaire) came in to our class to teach us about Hanukkah and its traditions and history. The children LOVED hearing her speak, and gave her a giant group hug at the end! Thank you, Miss Penny!
Time has flown by, and we are truly astonished to find we are starting our Holiday Break already. We will miss you all! Wishing you all so much fun family time as well as some rest where you can find it.
We are SO VERY THANKFUL for all that you did for the show, and the incredibly generous gifts. Wow!! We are so lucky to have all of you in our PK community this year!!
With LOVE,
Miss Jan, Miss Dana, and Miss Karen
P.S.-SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! Sorry, couldn’t resist… 🙂