Pre-K News – January 31, 2025

Friday, January 31,2025

Arctic/Polar Bears/Lunar New Year/- Groundhog’s Shadow?

This was a busy week to only be four days long.  We went from one polar region to the other this week.  Shifting from the Antarctic last week to the Arctic this week.  We learned that while a variety of penguins live in the southern hemisphere, there are many different animals that live in the Arctic regions of the northern hemisphere.  We focused on Polar Bears but also learned facts about Narwhals and other whales, Arctic Foxes and Walruses.

We celebrated the Lunar New Year with Felix’s family on Tuesday and learned more about Chinese culture and how they celebrate the New Year in their country.  We tasted a variety of Chinese foods including sweets and delicious drinks.  We really appreciate Felix’s family taking the time to share all of this with us!  We also made snakes for the year of the ‘snake.’

On Friday, we made an igloo as a class (with frosting and mini marshmallows) and learned that these are used for fishing/hunting for the Inuit people in the Arctic area.   We also made predictions to guess if the Groundhog will see his shadow on Sunday.  We will check our predictions against what actually happens on Monday.  We sure hope that spring will soon arrive!

Other highlights this week:

  • Excellent Math Bag from Colette and Conor!
  • We explored the north and south poles of magnets in our classroom!
  • Lowercase Letter hiding games, fun searches all around the room using clipboards and pens to log each find!
  • Excellent games in the Big Room including our time with “Coach” at Be Ahead of the Game.  We practiced skills for soccer!
  • We found one warmer day and went outside to enjoy shoveling snow and sledding down our hill on the playground.
  • Race to the Top – Dice game with numbers 1-6 – Great Counting!

Books we read:

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do you Hear, Bill Martin & Eric Carle

Little Polar Bear and the Whales, Hans de Beer

Little Polar Bear, Hans de Beer

Songs we are singing:

January Song

Hello Song, various languages


Warm Wishes, 

Miss Karen, Miss Dana and Miss Jan