Week 35


Dear PreK Families,

Well…that’s a wrap! ….(Oh no—that’s a wrap)!

It is surely difficult to write this last newsletter. We are so incredibly thankful for our WHOLE Prek community this year. Each student in Prek brought so much joy to our days, and you, our families, were always kind and enthusiastic about all things Prek! We can’t thank you all enough.

This week, we celebrated our year together by bringing back many of our favorite things. We sang all the songs, read some favorite stories, played board games and completed many puzzles. We had one more festive and energetic Music class with Miss Elaine, our musical hero.  In Art, we made spin-art using salad spinners, made Summer bookmarks, and made lots of free art creations. We also had a “Riddle” theme going this week- we explored some at our circle time and had a big group game of Summer Riddle Bingo today.

To begin our last week together, we celebrated James’ Summer birthday on Monday and then Sloan’s on Thursday. Thank you to both families for the big delicious donuts, ice cream cake, and homemade cookies!

We were SO happy to see so many of you at our send-off today. We hope that we adequately conveyed to you the love we feel for the kids and all of you. It was a unique and special year, and we recommend that you be bursting with pride for your incredible Prek-ers! They are all magnificent, very bright, and big-hearted humans.

How we will miss them!

Wishing you all a very happy Summer—Please, please come visit us next year!

With love,

Miss Karen, Miss Jen, and Miss Dana