Week 35

Dear PreSchool 2 Families:

The date on the calendar tells us that it is time to say goodbye for the summer, but it is still difficult to wrap our minds around where the time has gone.  From noses and tears wiped to bandaids dispensed, to stories read and songs sung, to trips to the playground, library, and visits by our specialists, to backpacks re-packed, drop-offs and dismissals, to snacks enjoyed and artwork praised, to questions asked and answered, to washing hands and trips to the bathroom, to circle time counting and calendar months passing – we have done it all together.  We have grown and look older, are more confident in knowing who we are and what we know, have made friends with many classmates, and have grown to love our friends and teachers.  We are ready… We are more than ready.  Although we will miss and often think of our PreSchool 2 students from this year, we know they will be successful in the next step on their educational journey and will continue to shine bright in their lives and learning experiences.  Thank you for sharing your children with us all.

Thank you to our families who have supported our PS2 students in their Ocean/Beach Animal Fun Facts.  The children enjoyed this activity, and it showed!!   The comprehension gained from this was demonstrated during Music with Miss Elaine on Thursday as she explored ocean animals in song and lesson – and the children “WOWed” her with their knowledge!!!

Journal writing concluded this week as many of our artists and illustrators put their finishing touches on their pages.  The constant question was, “How many pages do I have left?” as they spent time filling theirs with their stories, thoughts, and ideas.  We hope you enjoy reading and sharing these with your children this summer.

PreSchool2 enjoyed painting with acrylics and canvases this week (with stunning results!) and pushing beads, shells, and gemstones into modeling clay to create an end-of-year sculpture.  And none of us will forget our end-of-the-year party with The Bubble Man and our families.  We had way too much fun celebrating our school year together.

Happiest Birthday Wishes to our June birthdays – Theo and Parry!!  Thank you to their families for coming to read stories to our class and supplying us with birthday treats!!

Today, our PS2 students sang their favorite songs with their teachers and classmates.  We talked about our favorites this week, as the theme was “Fun with Favorites”.  We thought about all of the songs we enjoyed singing together.  These songs are what the children chose and wanted you to hear.  We are very proud of all of our PS2 students and the love for learning they demonstrated throughout this past year.

To close our last newsletter… These were your children’s favorite things they learned about…  Camping, bats, animals, pumpkins, savannah animals, rainforest animals, beach animals, cheetahs, bugs, pizza, butterflies, ocean animals, and birds…

Thank you to our PS2 Families for this wonderful year together…

Miss Michelle, Miss Penny, Miss Sally, Miss Tracy and Miss Emily